Monday, January 25, 2010


So I'm totally going to start looking for a used piano so I can paint it teal like this couple did for their wedding invitations. I'm thinking Sherwin Williams Oceanside would be the perfect color. Also, to completely torture myself, I came across the most wonderful looking hammock ever. Le sigh...I wish it were spring already.


Monday, January 18, 2010

No I won't sit nice and be quiet

I'm thinking I need to get a tattoo like this to further my obsession with sailboats.

Currently addicted to the The Trucks' song "Shattered".

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Umm, can I please have this swing chair designed by Patricia Urquiola for Kettal. Maybe that pool too??

le sigh

"Pink Moon" by Nick Drake might be one of the best songs ever makes me want to lay in a field of flowers on a sunny spring day, or take a bike ride on a hot summer night.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

love at first sight

Just ordered these fabulous Chuck T's online...absolute perfection: black, white, plaid.


Got into a fender-bender the other day. I'm seriously thinking of selling my car and buying a bicycle. Just thinking of all the money I'd be saving, not to mention the green footprint I'd have, makes my heart flutter. So does the above bike by Paul Frank.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

enough said

currently listening to: passion pit, phoenix, matt & kim, jack johnson, jet